Tasmanian Wildlife Cards & Prints

Wombat & Tasmanian Blue Gum
Tasmania’s animals and plants are so special that I couldn’t resist creating a greeting card collection that showcased their weird and wonderful charm. I hope they make you smile! You can buy them from my online shop and they are now in outlets around Hobart. They’re also available as giclée prints. Ask me for details. Scroll down to see my Christmas Card collection.

Spotted Quoll & Rock Bluebell

Echidna, Myrtle & Gorse Bitter Pea

Eastern-Barred Bandicoot, Tea-tree & Correa

Tasmanian Devil, Tea-tree and Banksia

Platypus & Myrtle

Wombat & Native Cherry

Pademelon and Flag iris

Pygmy-possum and Sunshine wattle

Little Penguin and pink-lipped kelp shells

Crescent Honey-eater and Callistemon
These Christmas card designs are inspired byTasmania’s beautiful and quirky native animals and plants. I wanted to make images that were unique to Tasmania and Christmas in the summer time, but also universally Christmassy. You can purchase these designs from my online store.

Spotted Quoll & Native Cherry

Eastern-Barred Bandicoot & Native Cherry

Short-Beaked Echidna, Myrtle & Native Cherry

Platypus, Correa & Native Cherry

Tasmanian Devil, Correa & Native Cherry
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Illustration and Graphic Design